You can track:
- Menstrual bleeding (low, medium, high volume) and spotting
- Cervical fluid (dry, non-peak, peak or up to six of your own categories)
- Sensation at the vulva (dry, moist, wet, slippery or up to four of your own categories)
- Cervix (softness, openness, height, tilt)
- Coloured stamps (if your charting method requires this)
- Basal / waking body temperature (one or two sets)
- Clearblue advanced fertility monitor results
- LH test results (OPK)
- Progesterone test results
- Pregnancy test results
- Intimacy (sex)
You can also record:
- Three notes per day (each up to 35 characters displayed directly on your chart)
- Journal entries (unlimited characters with paragraph breaks)
- Photos (1-2 per day cropped as you like)
You can also create an unlimited number of custom info lines with different formats to track a variety of items that may be meaningful to you - for example:
- Temperature disturbances
- Cervical mucus codes
- Breast tenderness
- Ovulation pain
- Supplements
- Headaches
- Cramps
- Mood
- Sleep
- Travel
- Exercise
- Nutrition
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Self-care
- Libido levels
- Energy levels
- Intimacy details
The possibilities are endless!
You can make your charting in Read Your Body as streamlined or as detailed as you like.
Learn how to set what's visible in your chart and data screens.