When you create a custom info line in the app, you'll do so from the 'Charting custom info' or 'Lifestyle custom info' card on the data screen.
After creating a custom info line, you can change whether it displays in the 'Charting custom info' or 'Lifestyle custom info' section by editing it and changing the type.
The two types of custom info lines (charting / lifestyle) function exactly the same. The reason we offer two types is because when you go to export your chart as an image to share, you can decide whether charting and/or lifestyle custom info lines should be included or not. This is useful if you don't wish to share certain custom info lines with your educator, partner or community.
Most people use charting custom info lines for cyclical symptoms like ovulation pain, breast tenderness, cramps, etc. Most people use lifestyle custom info lines for things like exercise, mood, energy, stress, sleep, self-care, libido, etc. But you can group your custom info lines however you please, particularly bearing in mind which ones you may wish to include when sharing your chart as an image with others!